I'm excited about this section of this site. As you all know I enjoy exploring almost any topic. And while I know that blogging about any topic can be fun there is so much depth added when one can share an in the moment conversation. In this section, in addition to sharing from time to time personal thought, I want let you literally hear some other voices talking about things they are passionate about.
Thanksgiving 2021
Thanksgiving eve November 2021. I am so very thankful for all of you. Hope you are well and having a fabulous Thanksgiving Day. At our house we’re having family over and looking forward to a joint project feast. This Thanksgiving finds this nation with an emerging new consciousness/awareness regarding the history of this day. It is my hope that wakening will bring a greater respect and appreciation for our Native American citizens and their heritage and struggles.
Amazing September
Well September has been a wonder. Not only are we still dealing with COVID-19 but around our neck of he woods we’ve already had snow! 90 degrees on Monday, snow on Tuesday. As we move closer to the elections of 2020 the distortions of the Trump administration and the Republican Party continues to astound.
Still Holding Forth With The Sequester
Sequester Update Number Two. Are you too wondering about the spotty control local leaders are taking to this crisis? Man this seems like the wrong approach. Does it make any sense at all that there is still not a nationl strategy?
Just A Quick Update On The Sequester
Early July. and wondering what’s next. Just a quick update. So far so good handling the pandemic. Already people are beginning to show isolation fatigue. I hope they’ll inevitably find the strength to stick it out. The best way for us to get over this thing is to listen to the scientists that are every hour of every day fighting for answers.
Sequestered but not feeling too cooped up. Lots of projects outside and lots of books to read and movies to watch. COVID-19 has been an eye opener for the nation about the need for national healthcare and a national health plan.
Moving into the Holidays - Mid-November
(Last week) It’s the day after Election Day and standing looking west over Lake Loveland it is clear that the season is in transition. All the leaves haven’t yet fallen but it won’t be long now. In fact substantial snow is in the forecast for the first time this year. We could be getting up to fifteen inches next week.
(Today) Well, I’m back. We didn’t get fifteen inches but we did get between ten and twelve. It was warm the day before (near seventy) so much of it melted before the accumulation began. …
April and the warm has returned
It’s April and Cherry Blossom Time again here in the DC metro area. If you have plans to visit the nation’s capitol this is a little attraction that you won’t want to miss. What is the Cherry Blossom Time? It’s a festive time along the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC featuring lots of arts events and people from all over the world strolling along the river taking in the beauty of some of the most spectacular blooming cherry trees in the world. …
Hello Again, It’s Been A While 2
This is just a quick Podcast for the month. There's nothing earth shattering here, but I felt like sharing some thoughts and - surprise, surprise - talking. (Laughing) I really do want to continue making podcasts, they're fun. So, I had to remind myself that waiting for deep inspiration was a waste of time. Podcasting for me is as much about reaching out on a more personal level as it is about saying profound and wise things. …
New Web Stuff, Old Photos, and Time
I took a little time out to relax over the weekend and worked on the website. It was fun and I hope you like it. Lessons learned: Sometimes making a podcast can be a real pain. It "ain't" all that easy. It takes preparation and even then it can be a challenge. I do hope you'll take me up on the old photos project I talk about here. We really are in danger of losing a lot of memories and history. It too can be a pain but I'm convinced it will prove worthwhile. …
Thoughts About Things In General
I thought I’d kick things off by just sharing some thoughts about things in general. These are some ideas about topics I want to talk about and have conversations about in the next couple of months. Also, there is some information I’ve gathered from things I’ve read, you can decide how true and perhaps prophetic I think some of this information is. And, if any of it makes sense, we can talk about how we might use any of it to make life better and more enjoyable. …